ISTA accreditation

Here you will find relevant application forms and technical questionnaires needed when applying for variety testing and admission to the variety database.

Procedure for Application for Addition to the Official National List of Vareities in Denmark:

Only the original forms together with a Technical Questionnaire can be used for applications which are to be sent by e-mail to:

Applicants domiciled outside the European Union can send in applications through a representative domiciled in the European Union. The representative may be a person, a firm or a patent Agency.

The application has to be signed by the maintainer.

If the application is made through a representative, all correspondence will be effected thorugh them as well as Collection of fees. This also applies to technical information about the examination of the variety.

On October 17, 2017, TystofteFoundation was ISTA accredited regarding seed sampling. Our accreditation works as an umbrella for our official and authorized seed samplers and ensures the possibility of issuing ISTA-certificates, which are recognized as an international standard when trading seeds.

In September 2020, ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) conducted an audit at TystofteFondation, with the purpose to renew accreditation obtained in 2017. In February 2021, the accreditation was approved, which means that companies that do not have their own accreditation will be covered by TystofteFonundation’s accreditation under DK11.

The ISTA accreditation covers authorised seed samplers from the following companies:

Hedegaard Agro
Hornsyld Købmandsgaard
Jensen Seed
Nielsen & Smith A/S
Vikima Seed

This ISTA accreditation of TystofteFoundation replaces the accreditation of the Danish Agricultural Agencies.