Application Forms

Here you will find the relevant application forms and technical questionnaires needed when applying for registration on the Danish National List or Danish Plant Breeders Rights.

Consequences of EU-judgment on Mutagenesis Techniques

The European Court of Justice has ruled that varieties produced by new mutagenesis techniques (NGT) are to be considered as GMOs. Therefore these varieties can only be registered on the Danish National List if they have been approved in acordance with EU GMO legislation.

This is the status after the European Court of Justice ruling in the principal case (C-518/16), which was issued on 25 July 2018.

GMO approval before registration on the national variety list

The TystofteFonden has therefore included a further clarification in our application forms. Applicants have to declare if their variety “is genetically modified (GM) or does the variety descend from a genetically modified variety? Subject to GM-regulation, according to 2001/18/EC, annex 1 A, part 1 and the European Court of Justice decision (C-518/16) of July 25th, 2018.

We encourage that applications are based on the updated application forms and technical questionnaires from this website – alternatively we will subsequently ask for documentation regarding the gmo status of the newly applied varieties.

Read more about the consequences of the court decision on the Danish Agricultural Agency’s website here.

Anmeldelse til sortslisteoptagelse – National Listing Application form 04.2024
Anmeldelse til plantenyhedsbeskyttelse – Application for Plant Breeders Rights – 03.2019
Anmeldelse om sortslisteoptagelse af bevaringssorter – Application National Listing of conservation Varieties
Anmeldelse af yderligere vedligeholder til sortslisteoptagelse – Application of additional maintainer regarding National Listing – 03.2019